Posts Tagged 'ny times mexico'

México’s Current State

While I am more or less ignorant of what kind of press México has been getting in the American news since January, I have had the gist of what has been broadcast conveyed to me in questions and statements like “You haven’t been abducted by drug lords, have you?” and “Oh hey, Randall! You’re alive, that’s great!” People have also told me not to venture to the border right now (probably good advice) and to look both ways before I cross the street (probably good advice). To tell the truth, I have had absolutely zero contact with or exposure to any of the things that make the news. I think that I am living in the metaphorical Atlanta during the Minnesota drug wars, if you will.

I read a very good, balanced, and true article in the New York Times about the current state of Mexico which serves as a response to what has been portrayed and said in America. I encourage you to read it as I think it paints a very fair picture of the way things are. Although things aren’t quite perfect south of the border, I assure that Monterrey is doing swimmingly and that, although I am all about gaining an authentic experience here in Mexico, I don’t think that kidnapping or dying will have anything to do with that.

P.S. – If you are one of my  drug lord or a kidnapper readers, please do not kill or kidnap me just to make me look bad.